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LDR440 Principles of Leadership and Discipleship
This course will introduce the student to the basic principles of leadership and discipleship on the individual level. Fundamentals include philosophy, skills, and tools aimed to assist the individual in his or her own growth. By learning how to grow ourselves, we will be better growers of others. Emphasis will be on the development of skills for experiential learning, problem solving, communication, and personal philosophy.
LDR450 Leading and Discipling Relationships
This course will train individuals to effectively lead and disciple others in a growing, intimate relationship with their God. Building off a strong biblical philosophy of ministry, emphasis will be given to diagnosis and interactive skills between mentors and mentees. In the context of a highly intense, small group environment individuals will develop and exercise communication, mentoring, and problem solving skills in the lives of others that are transferable to any real life setting.
LDR460 Leading Discipleship Communities
This course is designed to train students in organizng and facilitating discipleship groups, whether in a family, local church, or para-church organization. Emphasis will be on evaluating other's personalities and learning styles, utilizing and adapting leadership approaches, and implementing strategies for moving individuals and groups towards greater spiritual growth with God.
LDR509 Spiritual Disciplines in Leadership
This course is designed to develop the believer's spiritual life, with a focus on the spiritual disciplines, prayer, and the biblical nature of calling, ministry, character, and the relation of spiritual formation to the process of sanctification.
MIN401 Dynamics of Discipleship
The core of ministry leadership is shepherding individuals toward God, helping them grow in their faith, and mobilizing them as productive parts of the body of Christ. This course is designed to introduce students to concepts of spiritual development, a biblical understanding of what it takes to be a shepherd, and approaches for fostering people of various age groups through each stage of growth.