18 Credits
The Bible is the authoritative and inerrant Word of God. It is the final authority for how we think and how we live. It provides an essential foundation for personal spiritual formation, our faith-driven approach to relationships across all domains of life, and the work Christ-followers do as we steward the talents God has given us.
The purpose of this certificate program is to build foundational skills for leveraging God’s Word as the final authority for how you think and live. All Eleven:6 undergraduate programs are built on these courses as a foundation for faith-driven integration.
The vision that drives this program is to lay foundations for believers who engage the Bible, interpret it well, apply it to the transformation of their own lives, then integrating its truth and implications across all other domains of life and work.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of the Certificate in Bible Foundations, students will engage and leverage foundational Bible study and application skills as demonstrated by the following competencies:
- Apply foundational Bible study skills to the examination of the Word resulting in a clear understanding of what the text says, what it means, and its implications for life.
- Understand the contextual message of the whole of the Bible and the relation of each part to the whole.
- Develop a philosophy and strategy of godly living that will guide the student for a lifetime.
- Integrate and apply Bible study skill across the domains of life, personal ministry, and work.
Certificate Core Courses (12 credits)
The Certificate in Bible Foundations program is built with a logical sequence of skill development designed to lay essential foundations for any faith-driven discipline.
- BIB100 Principles of Bible Study. An introduction to methods and tools for inductive study of biblical texts, through observation, interpretation, application, and implementation.
- BIB111 Old Testament Survey. A chronological survey of Old Testament people, places, and events, highlighting the basic message of the Old Testament books, their contribution to God’s redemptive storyline, and their significance for Christian thought and practice.
- BIB112 New Testament Survey. A chronological survey of New Testament people, places, and events, highlighting the basic message of the New Testament books, their contribution to God’s redemptive storyline, and their significance for Christian thought and practice.
- THE120 Foundations for Christian Living. Develop a philosophy and strategy of godly living as a guide for a lifetime, including a Biblical worldview, ethics and patterns of behavior, Bible study, prayer, and making Biblically-informed choices.
Program Electives (6 credits)
The Certificate in Bible Foundations is designed with an elective block that allows students to select from a range of available undergraduate Bible and Theology courses that broaden the application of the foundational skills. Partner school implementations may focus or broaden options based on their objectives and/or full catalog of offerings.