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Bible & Theology
A range of Bible courses to build foundational skills and develop capacity to engage and handle the Word personally and in leadership. Theology courses provide a cross-thread of interpretation and strategic application.
BIB100 Principles of Bible Study
This course provides an introduction to methods and tools for inductive study of biblical texts,through observation, interpretation, application, and implementation. Taking a skill-development approach, students will identify and practice sound hermeneutical methods toward understanding Scripture, including analysis in light of historical background and biblical context.
BIB100B Biblical Hermeneutics
To employ a consistent and reliable hermeneutic in the interpretation of biblical texts.
BIB110 Bible Survey
This course lays a foundational understanding of the Bible through a historical survey of the Old and New Testaments. Emphasis will be given to interacting with biblical literature, basic hermeneutical principles, key themes and characters, and the redemptive theme of Scripture.
BIB111 Old Testament Survey
This course is a chronological survey of Old Testament people, places, and events. Emphasis will be given to the theology and the interpretive challenges of the Old Testament. The course will highlight the basic message of the Old Testament books, their contribution to God's redemptive storyline, and their significance for Christian thought and practice.
BIB112 New Testament Survey
This course is a chronological survey of New Testament people, places, and events. It highlights the basic message of the New Testament books, their contribution to God's redemptive storyline, and their significance for Christian thought and practice, based on the life and teaching of Christ, the apostles, and the early development of the churches.